
Rich Price – Moonlight Breaks CD Release show in Burlington

This past weekend, Rich Price celebrated the release of his 4th solo album, Moonlight Breaks, with a show at Burlington’s Black Box Theater. This was my first visit to the theater and I didn’t know what to expect. It’s a small, black (aptly named, eh?) room with moderately steeply sloping seats. Every seat in the house has a clear view of the stage and the acoustics are good. It’s an excellent place to see a show like this.

As a way of celebrating, he invited a very talented cast of musicians to perform with him including Jeff Deveau, Clint Bierman, Sean Preece, Jeff Vallone, Peter Day, Brian Chartrand, and Greg Naughton. The night started out with a more acoustic singer/songwriter style set that mixed new and old music. After a quick break, the band returned to play an upbeat mix of songs ending the night with two powerful encores.

if you haven’t had a chance to listen to Rich’s music yet, you owe it to yourself to give him a listen.

Burlington, Vermont live music - Rich Price (12)

Burlington, Vermont live music - Rich Price (11)

Burlington, Vermont live music - Rich Price (10)

Burlington, Vermont live music - Rich Price (9)

Burlington, Vermont live music - Rich Price (8)

Burlington, Vermont live music - Rich Price (7)

Burlington, Vermont live music - Rich Price (6)

Burlington, Vermont live music - Rich Price (5)

Maybe I’m getting old, but I seem to be taking a lot of photos of kids at live music shows. This next one was taken this summer at Nectar’s – it was his first show!

Burlington, Vermont live music - Rich Price (4)

Burlington, Vermont live music - Rich Price (3)

Burlington, Vermont live music - Rich Price (2)

Burlington, Vermont live music - Rich Price (1)

If this subset of photos isn’t enough, there are some more photos from the show on my SmugMug site.

Thanks for a great show and an excellent album, Rich!


Burlington Waterfront Cleanup Day

The Burlington Department of Parks and Recreation organized a cleanup day to help waterfront park and the bike path sections from Perkin’s Pier to the dog park recover from the flooding in time for the Vermont City Marathon. Over the past few weeks, I’ve walked around the waterfront numerous times photographing the damage and debris. A couple of weeks ago, I saw this driftwood piled up on the Coast Guard boat launch.

As I passed by, I casually wondered what would happen to it and where it would end up. Little did I know that I would be part of that process. Parks and Rec. put out the call for volunteers and I heard about it through Run Vermont and the #BTV Twitter hash tag. I regularly benefit from the bike path personally and professionally so I decided to head down to help clean up.

Burlington, Vermont waterfront park cleanup day (12)

Burlington has a lot of pride in the lake, the waterfront, and our popular bike path and a number of people showed up to help clean it up.

Burlington, Vermont waterfront park cleanup day (11)

After a quick sign in and some free coffee, we split up into three groups to focus on Perkin’s Pier, around the Echo center and the Burlington Boathouse, and the U.S. Coast Guard boat launch and points north.

Burlington, Vermont waterfront park cleanup day (10)

While some folks went out to start collecting & sorting debris for transportation back to the dumpster, a bunch of us stayed behind to pick through the current big pile. The goal was to provide the McNeil generating station with a dumpster of clean driftwood ready for burning. To that end, we had to hand-pick through everything to remove any metal, plastic, glass, paint, or pressure-treated wood.

Burlington, Vermont waterfront park cleanup day (9)

While we were working on the big pile, trucks came in with the driftwood that others had collected from along the rest of the bike path.

Burlington, Vermont waterfront park cleanup day (8)

Given the size of the pile, I thought it would take the better part of the morning but after an hour or so we were down to little bits which would have to wait for the bucket loader. After some wandering around, looking for the best next project to dive into, a small team of us ended up near the Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center and the fishing pier loading driftwood into a trailer for transportation back to the dumpster. We made about three runs, filling (and sometimes overfilling!) the trailer with water-logged wood. Adam would then drive the long way around because it was the only semi-dry path that the cart & trailer could make it through.

Burlington, Vermont waterfront park cleanup day (3)

Burlington, Vermont waterfront park cleanup day (7)

Burlington, Vermont waterfront park cleanup day (5)

Burlington, Vermont waterfront park cleanup day (4)

Burlington, Vermont waterfront park cleanup day (2)

After a few hours of work, our dumpster was full and people were reporting that Perkin’s Pier was equally filled so our work was done for the day. There’s still a lot of cleanup to do, though, and a fair bit of standing water. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate and some of the water will drain on its own before the marathon!

Nature Photograph

April showers brought … May showers.

I took advantage of some free time on Saturday after the Race Vermont  Half Marathon and walked around the Shelburne Recreation Path and some of its’ surrounding trails. I followed the trails by the lake until I could follow no further (because of flooding.) Still, I enjoyed seeing the trillium dotting the forest floor and the trees blossoming. It’s about time. It’s been a rough, rainy spring.

In my yard, out in Essex, the flowers are still mostly waiting for a little more sunshine — well, except for the bleeding heart.

As an aside, I was on a business trip last week and got the chance to swing by Frank Lloyd Wright’s most popular building, Fallingwater. I enjoyed the walk around the grounds, but I would like to return when I have a little more time to take the full tour. I had to, of course, take my version of the most famous photo.

Event Photography Sports

Race Vermont Half Marathon

This past Saturday, Race Vermont held their annual Spring Half Marathon. I’ve photographed a number of events for them and they’re always a good time; this one was no exception.  The weather forecast threatened rain, but we only got the lightest of sprinkles during the event. The flooding in Vermont meant that Rayne had to reroute the course a little bit and, thankfully, Shelburne Farms was willing to accommodate him.

There was a good sized crowd at the start as last-minute race details were covered (including the standard no-iPod rule) and then they were off.

After the pack takes off, I relocated to Shelburne Farms’ South Gate and waited for the runners to arrive.

This guy was taking advantage of the change of scenery and cheering on the runners as they passed.

Congratulations to everyone that ran! I hope you enjoyed your morning as much as I did. All of these photos and more are available on!

Nature Photograph

It just keeps coming; Vermont flooding gets worse

The rain keeps coming, the rivers are raging, and the lake is rising. I’ve taken to going on a quick walk at lunch time or at least making a brief stop on the way home to check out some of the flooding in the area. Today, I stopped at the IBM dam on the Winooski River. Last October I had stopped here to snap some photos of the flooding we were experiencing then. Conveniently, I had taken some photographs a few weeks before so I had some nice before and after shots of the river. I decided to stop at the same location today to see how it compared. I think, actually, that the river was probably flowing faster in October.

I think this next photo gives the best comparison to what things looked like last September and October in the same place.

I was intrigued, today, with the way the bubbles danced as the water cascaded over the falls.

The flooding in the Champlain Valley and on Lake Champlain is definitely worse right now. You only have to see these aerial photos to understand that.  I think, though, there was more water coming down the Winooski last October. What do you think? Drop me a comment below and let me know.