
They say the hardest place to photograph is your own back yard…

I’ve been enjoying walks with Tawny & Rosie around the neighborhood. We recently found a junkyard of sorts with lots of interesting things in it.

I’ve been enjoying chains at this location and also in Mamaroneck when Howie and I walked around the harbor.  Not sure what it is about chains, but I’ve found them really interesting lately.

Junkyard Chains
Mamaroneck Chains
Mamaroneck Chains
Mamaroneck Chains 2

That’s not to say I haven’t been shooting some things I’ve been known for…


With some variations

Wannabe Tulip
Wannabe Tulip

So I guess shooting in your back yard can be difficult, but it can force you to look at new things and places.  My approach has been to travel light on these walks.  I’ll typically take my 20d with one lens (often my 50 1.8 or 85 1.8, but sometimes my 10-20 or 17-40) and maybe a flash.  I actually prefer to take these walks with one of the primes and nothing else because it forces me to learn & adapt to the limitations of that one lens.  The wider apertures don’t hurt as the sun is going down, either.

That’s it for now. One more photo from tonight’s walk…

Blue Junkyard Chair
Blue Junkyard Chair

Green Mountain Derby Dames – Finale Fatale

Burlington, Vermont’s Roller Derby Team, the Green Mountain Derby Dames, asked me to take some photos of their last bout of the season. For those that aren’t familiar, Roller Derby is a game played by two teams of 20 with multiple strings, much like hockey.  Points are scored when the jammer skates laps around opposing team members.





The GMDD had been drawing 500 fans per bout in past months, but for this most recent bout they played in the large room at the Champlain Valley Exposition and sold about 1300 1600 tickets.  The fans get quite into it and it draws from all crowds across many social groups in the Burlington area.


The game involves real hits, spills, bruises and sometimes serious injuries.


For those that haven’t watched Roller Derby, check to see if you have a local team.  If you’re in Burlington, keep an eye out for the next GMDD bout.  They’re a lot of fun!  Bring some ear plugs, though. The music and cheering can get quite loud.

You can see more photos on my facebook page or check out the Green Mountain Derby Dames facebook page.


Dewey Barn

Tawny and I caught up with some friends today and looked at their house.  It’s a very unique place.  Someone took an old dairy barn in Westford


and built a house inside of it.


The inside has some thick walls, some regular walls, great old floors, and a nice open layout.  It’s a very cool place.


Though a few of the photos make it look like it’s a doll house.


There are some more photos up on my smugmug page.  They’re currently trying to sell it, so if you’re interested in a very unique place, drop them a line!



I’ve been driving by this spot for years. Today, it was my destination.  It was more of a scouting mission, but I brought along the camera anyway.  I’d like to head back here in the summer.




Hello world!

A few years ago, as Blogging was moving into the mainstream, I thought it might be interesting to have a blog.  There was only one problem; I didn’t have anything interesting to say. About a year ago, I realized that the photos I posted on my website were basically my blog already.  So I guess this is more of a formalization of something I’ve been doing for a while.

Most of my posts will continue to be photos, either individual or links to galleries.  Sometimes, I’ll venture into the world of text. I have some ideas for themes of posts: photography, the environment, life’s good experiences. We’ll see if any of them fall into the category of interesting.