
Free to Print Flickr Photos for Personal Art? NO!

The New York Times published an article by Sonia Zjawinski stating that you should download, print and frame photos from Flickr.

And if you’re wondering about copyright issues (after all, these aren’t my photos), the photos are being used by me for my own, private, noncommercial use. I’m not selling these things and not charging admission to my apartment, so I think I’m in the clear.

Uhh… I post my photos on Flickr.  I post them in a format that can not be printed at a useful size to prevent just this type of activity.  My photos are copyrighted; it’s illegal to print them without my permission unless you’re doing so under the fair-use doctrine (generally criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.) It’s pretty clear that Ms. Zjawinski’s use does not fall under fair use. I can’t believe the New York Times editors & lawyers let this run; it’s irresponsible.

Please – if you’re on Flickr and you see a photo you would like to print, check out the copyright status on it.  If it’s All Rights Reserved – contact the photographer about obtaining a print.  If it’s Creative Commons, double-check which Creative Commons license they’re using to make sure you are allowed to print it.